Developer documentation#

Pymablock is an open source project and we welcome contributions from the community. To contribute code, please follow the guidelines below.


Pymablock uses markdown for documentation, run make -C docs/ clean html SPHINXOPTS="-WT --keep-going -n" to build it. When writing documentation, ensure that you write one sentence per line to make it easier to review changes.

Development environment#

Pymablock uses pre-commit, run pre-commit install to enable it after cloning the repository.

We use py.test for testing, run it with py.test. To test against multiple dependency versions, run nox.

Dependency versions#

Pymablock adopted SPEC-0 for setting minimal requirements on Python, NumPy, and SciPy.

Before making a release check that the minimal versions specified in pyproject.toml and in adhere to SPEC-0.

Release checklist#

To make a release, do the following:

  1. Confirm that the changelog contains all relevant user-visible changes, and update it if necessary.

  2. Confirm that all contributors have been added to the file by running git shortlog -s $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD| sed -e "s/^ *[0-9\t ]*//".

  3. Add a new level two header to the changelog with the title [X.Y.Z] - YYYY-MM-DD, but keep the [Unreleased] header.

  4. Check that CI runs.

  5. Tag the version with git tag --sign vX.Y.Z --annotate -m 'release vX.Y.Z' (skip --sign if you do not have git signing configured) and push the tag git push origin vX.Y.Z. This publishes the release to pypi.

  6. @isidora.araya updates the Zenodo repository (as its owner).

  7. Maintainers of the pymablock-feedstock review and merge the pull request created by the conda-forge bot.