Getting started#

Pymablock workflow#

Getting started with Pymablock is simple, let’s start by importing it together with numpy.

import pymablock
import numpy as np

Let’s apply perturbation theory to a diagonal Hamiltonian with two subspaces \(A\) and \(B\), coupled by a perturbation.

1. Define a Hamiltonian#

We begin by defining a Hamiltonian and a random perturbation.

# Diagonal unperturbed Hamiltonian
H_0 = np.diag([-1., -1., 1., 1.])

# Random Hermitian matrix as a perturbation
def random_hermitian(n):
    H = np.random.randn(n, n) + 1j * np.random.randn(n, n)
    H += H.conj().T
    return H

H_1 = 0.2 * random_hermitian(4)

While \(H_0\) has two subspaces separated in energy, \(H_1\) couples them.

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, (ax_0, ax_1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2)

ax_0.imshow(H_0.real, cmap='seismic', vmin=-2, vmax=2)
ax_0.set_title(r'Unperturbed Hamiltonian $H_0$')

ax_1.imshow(H_1.real, cmap='seismic', vmin=-2, vmax=2)
ax_1.set_title(r'Perturbation $H_1$')

Subspaces must be separated

For the perturbation theory to work, the spectra of the two subspaces must differ. The larger the smallest energy difference between the two subspaces, the better the perturbation theory works.

2. Define the perturbative series#

Most Pymablock users will need only one function: block_diagonalize. It takes all the possible types of input and defines a solution of the perturbation theory problem as infinite series of the transformed Hamiltonian \(\tilde{H}\) and the corresponding transformation \(U\).

from pymablock import block_diagonalize

hamiltonian = [H_0, H_1]

H_tilde, U, U_adjoint = block_diagonalize(hamiltonian, subspace_indices=[0, 0, 1, 1])

Here the first term in the hamiltonian list is the unperturbed Hamiltonian \(H_0\), and the following terms are the perturbations. The subspace_indices argument defines to which subspace each diagonal term of \(H_0\) belongs.

This does do any computations yet, and only defines the answer as an object that we can query.

Most users will only ever need the diagonal blocks of H_tilde, however Pymablock returns the extra information in case it is needed.

3. Get the perturbative results#

To get perturbative corrections to the diagonal blocks of the Hamiltonian, we query H_tilde with the block and the order of the correction.

For example, we obtain a second order correction to the first subspace as

H_tilde[0, 0, 2]
array([[-0.11315387+0.j        ,  0.01658295+0.00152684j],
       [ 0.01658295-0.00152684j, -0.05253905+0.j        ]])

where (0, 0) is the first subspace (\(AA\) block), and 2 means the second order correction.

Let us also check that the off-diagonal blocks of the Hamiltonian are \(0\) to any order.

H_tilde[0, 1, 3]
<pymablock.series.Zero at 0x7fea7b9ed1d0>

where (0, 1) is the \(AB\) block, and 3 is the third order correction.

Just like H_tilde, U and U_adjoint are BlockSeries objects too. In most situations these are not necessary, but they can be useful to transform any other observable to the basis of the H_tilde.

To get more than one perturbative correction at a time, we can query H_tilde using numpy’s indexing convention. For example, we query the corrected Hamiltonian of the first subspace up to second order using

H_tilde[0, 0, :3]
masked_array(data=[<2x2 sparse array of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
                   	with 2 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>,
                   array([[ 0.33923603+0.j        , -0.2883119 +0.16401756j],
                          [-0.2883119 -0.16401756j, -0.24769754+0.j        ]]),
                   array([[-0.11315387+0.j        ,  0.01658295+0.00152684j],
                          [ 0.01658295-0.00152684j, -0.05253905+0.j        ]])],

The output is a MaskedArray with the same block structure as if we queried a numpy array with the same indices. The entries of this array are the Hamiltonian terms themselves, and therefore they may be of different types: here we see that the unperturbed Hamiltonian is stored as a sparse matrix, while the higher orders are numpy arrays.

The final block-diagonalized Hamiltonian up to second order looks like this:

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import as ma
from scipy.linalg import block_diag

transformed_H = ma.sum(H_tilde[:2, :2, :3], axis=2)
block = block_diag(transformed_H[0, 0], transformed_H[1, 1])

fix, ax_2 = plt.subplots()
ax_2.imshow(block.real, cmap='seismic', vmin=-2, vmax=2)
ax_2.set_title(r'Transformed Hamiltonian $\tilde{H}$')

Further capabilities#

Let us now consider a more complex example, where:

  • The unperturbed Hamiltonian is not diagonal

  • There are multiple perturbative parameters

  • Some perturbations are not first order

Because diagonalization is both standard, and not our focus, Pymablock won’t do it for us. However, it will properly treat a non-diagonal unperturbed Hamiltonian if we provide its eigenvectors.

General Hamiltonians#

Let’s define a problem with two perturbative parameters:

(1)#\[\begin{equation} H = H_{00} + \lambda_1 H_{10} + \lambda_1^2 H_{20} + \lambda_2 H_{01} \end{equation}\]
H_00 = random_hermitian(5)  # Unperturbed Hamiltonian
H_10 = random_hermitian(5)  # Linear term in the first perturbative parameter
H_20 = random_hermitian(5)  # Quadratic term in the first perturbative parameter
H_01 = random_hermitian(5)  # Linear term in the second perturbative parameter
hamiltonian = {(0, 0): H_00, (1, 0): H_10, (2, 0): H_20, (0, 1): H_01}

The keys of the hamiltonian dictionary are tuples of integers, where \(i\)-th integer is the order of the \(i\)-th perturbative parameter.

Efficiency hint

The Hamiltonian does not contain values of \(\lambda_1\) and \(\lambda_2\). Instead, to evaluate \(\tilde{H}\), we will provide the values of the perturbative parameters at the last step.

If you want to vary the perturbation strength, providing its values last is more efficient than recomputing the perturbative series.

Differently from the first example, \(H_{00}\) is not diagonal anymore

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plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3))
plt.imshow(H_00.real, cmap='seismic', vmin=-2, vmax=2)
plt.title(r'Unperturbed $H_{00}$')

Specifying the subspaces#

To define the perturbative series we compute the eigenvectors of \(H_{00}\) and split them into two groups that define the \(A\) and \(B\) subspaces.

_, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(H_00)
subspace_eigenvectors = [evecs[:, :3], evecs[:, 3:]]

H_tilde, U, U_adjoint = block_diagonalize(
  hamiltonian=hamiltonian, subspace_eigenvectors=subspace_eigenvectors


block_diagonalize transforms everything to the basis of subspace_vectors, such that, for example, the unperturbed Hamiltonian becomes diagonal.

Accordingly U is the unitary transformation that block-diagonalizes the Hamiltonian in the eigenbasis of \(H_0\).

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from scipy.sparse import block_diag

H_0 = block_diag(H_tilde[[0, 1], [0, 1], 0, 0]).toarray()

fix, ax_2 = plt.subplots()
ax_2.imshow(H_0.real, cmap='seismic', vmin=-2, vmax=2)
ax_2.set_title(r'$H_{00}$ in its eigenbasis')

Querying the perturbative series#

Let us examine how the perturbative series is stored in H_tilde, which is a BlockSeries object.

It has a \(2\times 2\) block structure corresponding to the \(A\) and \(B\) subspaces. The number of its infinite size dimensions is the number of perturbative parameters.

f"{H_tilde.shape=}, {H_tilde.n_infinite=}"
'H_tilde.shape=(2, 2), H_tilde.n_infinite=2'

BlockSeries defines a way to compute its entries, which are stored in the internal _data attribute. Before we did any computation, _data is empty

f"{H_tilde._data=}, {U._data=}"
'H_tilde._data={}, U._data={(0, 0, 0, 0): one, (1, 1, 0, 0): one}'

Querying a multivariate BlockSeries requires specifying the orders of all its perturbations. For example, here we compute a term of \(\tilde{H}^{AA}\) of the order \(\lambda_1^2\lambda_2^3\)

%time H_tilde[0, 0, 2, 3]
CPU times: user 19.4 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 19.4 ms
Wall time: 19.2 ms
array([[-0.1300899 +0.j        ,  0.53574505+0.20687619j,
         0.71105749-0.476048j  ],
       [ 0.53574505-0.20687619j, -0.66631532+0.j        ,
        -0.3001261 +0.39427089j],
       [ 0.71105749+0.476048j  , -0.3001261 -0.39427089j,
         0.78485744+0.j        ]])

Computing this term required also computing several orders of U, which are now stored in U._data

f"{len(H_tilde._data.keys())=}, {len(U._data.keys())=}"
'len(H_tilde._data.keys())=1, len(U._data.keys())=2'

That means that querying the same term of \(\tilde{H}^{AA}\) is now nearly instantaneous

%time H_tilde[0, 0, 2, 3]
CPU times: user 64 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 64 µs
Wall time: 67.7 µs
array([[-0.1300899 +0.j        ,  0.53574505+0.20687619j,
         0.71105749-0.476048j  ],
       [ 0.53574505-0.20687619j, -0.66631532+0.j        ,
        -0.3001261 +0.39427089j],
       [ 0.71105749+0.476048j  , -0.3001261 -0.39427089j,
         0.78485744+0.j        ]])