Jaynes-Cummings model#

In this tutorial we demonstrate how to get a CQED effective Hamiltonian using Pymablock with bosonic operators. As an example, we use the Jaynes-Cummings model, which describes a two-level bosonic system coupled by ladder operators. This tutorial shows how to use Pymablock with arbitrary object types by defining a custom Sylvester’s equation solver.

Let’s start by importing the sympy functions we need to define the Hamiltonian. We will make use of sympy’s quantum mechanics module and its matrices.

import sympy
from sympy import Matrix, Symbol, sqrt, Eq
from sympy.physics.quantum.boson import BosonOp, BosonFockKet
from sympy.physics.quantum import qapply, Dagger

Define a second quantization Hamiltonian#

We define the onsite energy \(\omega_r\), the energy gap \(\omega_q\), the perturbative parameter \(g\), and \(a\), the bosonic annihilation operator.

# resonator frequency, qubit frequency, Rabi coupling
wr = Symbol(r'\omega_r', real=True)
wq = Symbol(r'\omega_q', real=True)
g = Symbol(r'g', real=True)

# resonator photon annihilation operator
a = BosonOp("a")

The Hamiltonian reads

H_0 = [[wr * Dagger(a) * a + wq / 2, 0], [0, wr * Dagger(a) * a - wq / 2]]
H_p = [[0,  g * Dagger(a)], [g * a, 0]]

Eq(Symbol('H'), Matrix(H_0) + Matrix(H_p), evaluate=False)
\[\begin{split}\displaystyle H = \left[\begin{matrix}\frac{\omega_{q}}{2} + \omega_{r} {{a}^\dagger} {a} & g {{a}^\dagger}\\g {a} & - \frac{\omega_{q}}{2} + \omega_{r} {{a}^\dagger} {a}\end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]

where the basis is the one of the occupied and unoccupied subspaces.

Custom Sylvester’s equation solver#

To use Pymablock, we need a custom solver for Sylvester’s equation that can compute the energies of the subspaces using bosonic operators. We need to define a solve_sylvester function that takes \(Y_{n+1}\) and returns \(V_{n+1}\),

\[\begin{split}H_0^{AA} V_{n+1}^{AB} - V_{n+1}^{AB} H_0^{BB} = Y_{n+1} \\ (V_{n+1}^{AB})_{x,y} = (Y_{n+1})_{x,y} / (E_x - E_y),\end{split}\]

where \(Y_{n+1}\) is the right hand side of Sylvester’s equation, and \(V_{n+1}\) is the block off-diagonal block of the transformation that block diagonalizes the Hamiltonian.

We implement

n = Symbol("n", integer=True, positive=True)
basis_ket = BosonFockKet(n)

def expectation_value(v, operator):
    return qapply(Dagger(v) * operator * v).simplify()

def solve_sylvester(Y):
    Solves Sylvester's Equation
    Y : sympy expression

    V : sympy expression for off-diagonal block of unitary transformation
    E_i = expectation_value(basis_ket, H_0[0][0])
    V = []
    for term in Y.expand().as_ordered_terms():
        term_on_basis = qapply(term * basis_ket).doit()
        normalized_ket = term_on_basis.as_ordered_factors()[-1]
        E_j = expectation_value(normalized_ket, H_0[1][1])
        V.append(term / (E_j - E_i))
    return sum(V)


This Sylvester’s solver is specific to the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian. Using a different CQED Hamiltonian would require adapting solve_sylvester accordingly.

Get the Hamiltonian corrections#

We can now define the block-diagonalization routine by calling block_diagonalize


from pymablock import block_diagonalize

H_tilde, U, U_adjoint = block_diagonalize(
    [H_0, H_p], solve_sylvester=solve_sylvester, symbols=[g]
CPU times: user 5.44 ms, sys: 4.26 ms, total: 9.7 ms
Wall time: 9.59 ms

For example, to compute the 2nd order correction of the Hamiltonian of the \(\uparrow\) subspace (the (0, 0) block) we use


Eq(Symbol(r'\tilde{H}_{2}^{AA}'), H_tilde[0, 0, 2].expand().simplify(), evaluate=False)
CPU times: user 58.2 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 58.2 ms
Wall time: 58.3 ms
\[\displaystyle \tilde{H}_{2}^{AA} = - \frac{g^{2} {{a}^\dagger} {a}}{\omega_{q} - \omega_{r}}\]

Higher order corrections work exactly the same:


Eq(Symbol(r'\tilde{H}_{4}^{AA}'), H_tilde[0, 0, 4].expand().simplify(), evaluate=False)
CPU times: user 134 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 134 ms
Wall time: 134 ms
\[\displaystyle \tilde{H}_{4}^{AA} = \frac{g^{4} \left({{a}^\dagger} {a}\right)^{2}}{\omega_{q}^{3} - 3 \omega_{q}^{2} \omega_{r} + 3 \omega_{q} \omega_{r}^{2} - \omega_{r}^{3}}\]

Eq(Symbol(r'\tilde{H}_{6}^{AA}'), H_tilde[0, 0, 6].expand().simplify(), evaluate=False)
CPU times: user 228 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 228 ms
Wall time: 228 ms
\[\displaystyle \tilde{H}_{6}^{AA} = - \frac{2 g^{6} \left({{a}^\dagger} {a}\right)^{3}}{\omega_{q}^{5} - 5 \omega_{q}^{4} \omega_{r} + 10 \omega_{q}^{3} \omega_{r}^{2} - 10 \omega_{q}^{2} \omega_{r}^{3} + 5 \omega_{q} \omega_{r}^{4} - \omega_{r}^{5}}\]

We see that also computing the 6th order correction takes effectively no time.